Monday, September 26, 2011

Print ID 0108

Print ID 0110

Print ID 0109
Summer 2011 is now official in the books. It will not go down as a scorcher, nor will it go down as a washout. All and all it was a pretty great summer. I spent a lot of time at the beach, built a new surfboard, didn't cut my hair and got a rather nice tan.  The thing I have learned as I get older is time goes faster and faster each year. When I was a kid I remember being so bummed that summer was over. Not only did I have to go back to school but it seemed like summer would never come again, nine months might as well have been nine years. Now a days I realize summer is going to be back sooner than any of us even realize. We all might as well keep our beach chairs and swim suits handy because we will re-enter the lazy days of summer soon enough.